GM Footography

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About Me

Hello and welcome to my site. I have been photographing women in their barefeet for some thirty-five years.

It all started way back in third grade when my wonderful teacher Miss Taylor would teach us kids in May in her barefeet. And would mark our test with her barefeet up on her desk. Seeing her dirty soles started it all and being a kid of eight or nine I wondered why I was growing a third leg. And thanks to Miss Taylor I have always had a thing for women's feet. As you will see in my photos I love it all from women in there twenty's to the lovely mature women. Mature women to me have just as nice of feet as the twenty year olds. I love everything about women's feet to the clean and dirty soles, To the slender toes long or short. I do prefer women with BIG FEET and I also love women who grow there toenails long and paint them red, Those women are hard to come by. Also the car thing. You will see many sets of the women I have photographed posing on the cars I have had in the past to the car I have now. Even STANDING ON IT. Long time ago in the early 80s I went to the Puerto Rican day parade. And there on the corner of 48th St and 5th Ave were seven girls dancing on this car. GOD it turned me on so. That got me started on the STAND ON MY CAR SHOTS.

I also love to shoot sexy secretary shots. When I use to work in an office seven years ago I was able to shoot some of the girls who worked in that office. I love to pose women on desks and tables. Now that I don't work there I now use my computer area and desk. There are three people I wish to thank. The first is my Dad who got me started in photography and I remember he was always taken pictures of my mom which is an extension of this site. The second person is The Late Great Elmer Batters. He pointed the way for a lot of foot fetish photographers where its OK to have a women's soles right in front of the camera. And third to MISS TAYLOR thanks darling for you taught me more then Math and English.

Enjoy my work!

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